Her work is oversensitive and sensual
She loves to leave the matter express itself by touch of paint
and the painting appears to her via her hand.

Painter Artist
Her childhood
Cecile GERONIMI, the eldest child of a two children family spent an atypical childhood and adolescence. Her family travels took her alternately around the world: Middle East (Sharjah UAE)1974-1980, Congo Brazzaville (Pointe-Noire)1981, Gabon (Port-Gentil) 1982, Norway (Stavanger) 1983-1985, and also England and Scotland, Spain, Tunisia, Syria, Vietnam, Cambodia…
After her high school diploma she studied art history and worked for antique dealers and art galleries but she never dare to take her pencils.
Till the day when she met Frederic MONTAGNE. Their passion for painting explodes. Cecile and Frederic face up to the fact that their life is dedicated to art despite all the doubts and difficulties.
Cecile kept in mind the dazzling light, the bright colours of her childhood landscapes.
Professional training
• Studies of Art History in Pau and Bayonne.
• Assistant of the antique dealer Eric Lhoste in Pau.
• Studies of restoration of painted work in Bayonne.
• Assistant of Professor Jean Claude Bonne (archaeological layout of an illumination).
• Studies of computer graphics and work in advertisement in Paris.
See Frédéric MONTAGNE’s web site :
for sale
in private collection
2010 - Damas (Syrie)
Exposition à la galerie d’art Kozah – Chemins Croisés
2013 - Vannes (France)
Exposition en Bretagne.
2015 - Paris (France)
Marché de l’art à Paris La Bastille (11e).
2017 - New-York (USA)
Exposition Galerie d’art de New-York.